I grew up in Shanghai, China, and was fortunate to have a warm family. They provided me with a comfortable environment to grow up in and, most importantly, taught me manners and etiquette. At the age of 17, I came to Australia to get a better education and a better life. I was successfully admitted by Monash University and graduated with Bachelor of Computer Science.
Technology Skills
Societal Experience
Relative Link
What is 142857?
You may have noticed that my website domain contains a secret number: 142857. What does it mean?
It’s the most widely known cyclic number, which is the first six digits of the result of 1÷7, multiplied by 2,3,4,5 or 6, the answer is a cyclic permutation of itself.
For example:
1 × 142857 = 142857
2 × 142857 = 2857 14
3 × 142857 = 42857 1
4 × 142857 = 57 1428
5 × 142857 = 7 14285
6 × 142857 = 857 142
7 × 142857 = 999999
Is that amazing? And it’s not the end!
8 × 142857 = 1 14286 (Not cycle? Please notice that 1+6=7!)
9 × 142857 = 12857 13 (Again, 1+3=4)
10 × 142857 = 1428570
11 × 142857 = 157 1427
12 × 142857 = 17 14284
13 × 142857 = 1857 141
14 × 142857 = 1999998
15 × 142857 = 2 142855
16 × 142857 = 22857 12
Unfortunately, this is the end of the magic number’s journey, as 17 × 142857 = 2428569.
I learnt this interesting number from a Korean comic called “Fantasy Math War”. My parents like to buy books and encourage me to read. When they took me to Shanghai Library, I used to sit in the children’s section and watch this comic. This comic told me a lot of interesting mathematical theories and developed my interest in mathematics, I would say it helped me a lot.
Hello everyone! This website is for me to share my study and life experience. I guess most of the content will be my ravings. Hope you have fun here.
And by the way, thanks for the NetworkChunk video, which helped me find a suitable tool to build this site.
Here is the video line: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwUz3E9AW0w&ab_channel=NetworkChuck