Joshua Wang

As a graduated student of Computer Science degree in Monash University, I'm always actively trying to put what I've learned into practice.


I grew up in Shanghai, China, and was fortunate to have a warm family. They provided me with a comfortable environment to grow up in and, most importantly, taught me manners and etiquette. At the age of 17, I came to Australia to get a better education and a better life. I was successfully admitted by Monash University and graduated with Bachelor of Computer Science.

About Joshua


Technology Skills

• Python, C++, Java, Oracle SQL, Typescript, Javascript
• MIPS, Marie
• Docker, Virtual machine, Linux shell
• Symmetric encryption: AES DES; Asymmetric encryption: RSA, DSA
• Front end develop with Typscript, React
• IOS software with Swift, encapsulate and decapsulate API with HTTP POST request
• Installing, setting up and managing Cisco's networking products
• Trello, Jiro, Wordpress
• Familiar with Agile and Waterfall methodology

Societal Experience

• RSPCA Burwood East Op Shop Volunteer
From 14th May to present

Character reference:
RSPCA Burwood East Op shop manager: Pat
Phone number: 0419119513


(1) From Jan 2020 to Nov 2023
Bachelor of Computer Science Advanced (Monash University)
• Major in Software Development

(2) From Jul 2017 to Oct 2019
Camberwell High School
• ATAR 93.35


A IOS software built by Swift, use API provided by IMDB, enable users to rate and get movie detail.
Github link:
Still in processing……

Relative Link

My github page:
My linkedin page:


Ms Yilu Wang
IT tutor in Monash University
Mobile: 0434549968

Mr Wei Wang
Math Teacher in St Catherine’s School
Address: Unit 1, 867 Toorak Road, Hawthorn East
Mobile: 0402 018 319

What is 142857?

You may have noticed that my website domain contains a secret number: 142857. What does it mean?
It’s the most widely known cyclic number, which is the first six digits of the result of 1÷7, multiplied by 2,3,4,5 or 6, the answer is a cyclic permutation of itself.

For example:
1 × 142857 = 142857
2 × 142857 = 2857 14
3 × 142857 = 42857 1
4 × 142857 = 57 1428
5 × 142857 = 7 14285
6 × 142857 = 857 142
7 × 142857 = 999999

Is that amazing? And it’s not the end!

8 × 142857 = 1 14286 (Not cycle? Please notice that 1+6=7!)
9 × 142857 = 12857 13 (Again, 1+3=4)
10 × 142857 = 1428570
11 × 142857 = 157 1427
12 × 142857 = 17 14284
13 × 142857 = 1857 141
14 × 142857 = 1999998
15 × 142857 = 2 142855
16 × 142857 = 22857 12

Unfortunately, this is the end of the magic number’s journey, as 17 × 142857 = 2428569.

I learnt this interesting number from a Korean comic called “Fantasy Math War”. My parents like to buy books and encourage me to read. When they took me to Shanghai Library, I used to sit in the children’s section and watch this comic. This comic told me a lot of interesting mathematical theories and developed my interest in mathematics, I would say it helped me a lot.
Fantasy Math War


Hello everyone! This website is for me to share my study and life experience. I guess most of the content will be my ravings. Hope you have fun here.

And by the way, thanks for the NetworkChunk video, which helped me find a suitable tool to build this site.

Here is the video line: